After four years the alien assassin is back! After releasing The Ballads of Reemus last year, we were hungry to take another one of my old games and create a beefier commercial version of it.
I've always felt like theSmall Favor universe was ripe for storytelling and I barely scratched the surface of some of the ideas presented in the old game. So we decided to follow in the tradition of a million other game developers and turn to Kickstarter for support.
We're hoping to kickstart $30K to create all new, beefed up "A Small Favor" game. It'll be a bit of a reboot, telling a new story with the same nameless hero but with improved graphics, bigger story and hours of gameplay. We're also going to make it a side scroller in the vein of "Another World/Out of the World" to allow for some deeper exploration.
We're aiming for September 2013 for release.
Thank you for your support!
Jay "Zeebarf" Ziebarth
PS. See you guys at the Pico Day party this year! After launching my first flash movie here 13 years ago Tom Fulp and I are finally going to meet in person. Crazy!
good luck'll need it