

Game Developer

Hamilton,Ontario, Canada

Joined on 11/26/00

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Zeebarf's News

Posted by Zeebarf - January 24th, 2023

Any NG Animators looking for some freelance work? If so, drop me a link in the comments to your stuff and I'll reach out if it fits. Looking forward to seeing your work!


Posted by Zeebarf - November 25th, 2022

It's been awhile! My last post was reflecting on the excitement of 2018. It ended up being the most stressful year of my life and everything exploded. Long story short, It essentially took me 4 years to get my life back on track. I'm finally in a place now where I can think of making a game again.

Looks like in the meantime someone hacked my page. Thanks to Tom for locking them out and letting me know!


Posted by Zeebarf - September 28th, 2017

Well it took me a few years but I managed to get Zeebarf  Games off the ground again. I have a new team, a new office and a slew of new games on the horizon. 

The plan is to release small episodes on mobile first and then combine them into a full PC release. I'd love to start posting them on NG in the future too. If you've enjoyed my past work, do me a small favor and grab a copy of the new Visitor game. Its a free download for both app stores. I'd love a review. Thanks for all the support!

"The Visitor: Ep.1 - Kitty Cat Carnage"
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ZeebarfGamesInc.TheVisitorKittyCatCarnageDistribution&hl=en

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-visitor-kitty-cat-carnage/id1273406453?mt=8

Expect new "Reemus" games and a reboot of "A Small Favor" as well as some brand new titles. 2018 should be an exciting year for Zeebarf!



Posted by Zeebarf - September 25th, 2016

The Visitor is celebrating its 9 year anniversary! It's the first game I ever made, so it's only fitting that it be the first game I bring to the mobile app stores. 

If you feel like getting nostalgic follow the links below to download it for FREE:

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-visitor/id1138872648?ls=1&mt=8

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.ZeebarfGamesInc.TheVisitorAndroidDistribution

Big thanks to Tom and Newgrounds for starting me on my gaming path. Especially the NG community. Your feedback and comments kept me fueled for years. I've been off the radar for a while now but I'm still tinkering away.

I have a new Reemus game in the works and some ideas for a new Visitor. 

Interested in seeing new games from me? Comment below, I'd love to hear from you!


Posted by Zeebarf - February 4th, 2015

This is a hilarious walk down memory lane for me. I made the Visitor 8 years ago, I'm happy to see people still playing it. I guess a good cat butt explosion is timeless.




Posted by Zeebarf - October 21st, 2014

It's been a while! I've been locked away for the last year tinkering away at a new Ballads of Reemus point and click sequel that hopefully will be done soon. I have a new artist on board helping me craft it, so it should be pretty sweet! 

As if video game dev isn't hard and time consuming enough I've also decided to take a crack at the TV world again. It's been almost 10 years since my old show "Sons of Butcher" was on the air. Canada is a bit of a black hole for TV, it takes years to get anything through the pipeline. So when the CBC launched a Comedy Coup accelerator program to find new shows I decided to take a run at it. 

The premise is you enter your show idea and 10 weeks later they pick one winner and  a pilot gets made. Each week is a new challenge designed to show if you can actually pull off your idea, which people vote on and the most popular make the cut. 

So far we made the first round of cuts and are in the top 110. At the end of the month it chops down to 55, then 15 and then final 5 in December. 

We'll see what happens, but in the meantime you can check out our new show idea in the video below. If you like it, click the FOLLOW, RATE and FAV icons. There's also a little SHARE icon to post on twitter and facebook which also requires you create an account and login. Blarg, It's a convulted system so I appreciate anyone who even takes the time to watch it. 

What's it about? A 52 year old security guard gets screwed out of his pension when they privatize the city sewage treatment plant he works at. So he goes on a mission of revenge against city corruption by kicking the shit out of all involved. The deeper he goes the more he uncovers about the Illuminati, drug cartels and a bevy of other conspiracy theory craziness.

If you like early 90's action movies and goofy comedy then check it out.

This video is a sample scene we shot last week. Dig it. 


Thanks for the support, 
Jay "Zeebarf"



Posted by Zeebarf - September 23rd, 2013

The first Ballads of Reemus game is now available as part of the Indie Royale Golden Jubilee Bundle. 6 games, including Reemus for $2. For less than a gram of crack you can point and click your way through Reemus' first commercial adventure!

Two days left to grab it!


Posted by Zeebarf - September 19th, 2013

Kickstarter has officially launched in Canada, which means I'm officially launching a Canadian Kickstarter and who better to launch with than Reemus and Liam.

"The Ballads of Reemus 2" Kickstarter campaign officially went live today! You can check it out here: http://kck.st/1aWvkrz

If you didn't get a chance to play the first one, you can try the demo right here at NG: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/617111

When Reemus the Exterminator’s main competitor Pest-Go reduces pest control to a skill anyone can do with a squirt bottle, Reemus fears his chances of having a truly heroic ballad written about him are over.That is until he stumbles upon an invasion of killer Death Slugs that has all the makings of the greatest quest of all time, one that can not only restore extermination to its former glory but finally put Reemus on the map as a true hero. Now the only question remains, will Reemus and his sidekick Liam defeat the insidious Death Slugs, or will they be the ones exterminated?

Yes, I'm returning Reemus to his roots and finally going to finish the Death Slug storyline. I've been thinking about it for years now and since the odds are low I'll ever finish it in free form, I decided to take a commercial run at rebooting the storyline. I'm going to take the ideas from the free games, revamp and polish them with new puzzles, new artwork and full voice acting. I'm going to give it the treatment it deserves.

I've also created a bunch of rewards that allows you to add your own stamp on the game, with inventory items, character names and even having a ballad of your own. So check it out!


Posted by Zeebarf - April 15th, 2013

After four years the alien assassin is back! After releasing The Ballads of Reemus last year, we were hungry to take another one of my old games and create a beefier commercial version of it.

I've always felt like theSmall Favor universe was ripe for storytelling and I barely scratched the surface of some of the ideas presented in the old game. So we decided to follow in the tradition of a million other game developers and turn to Kickstarter for support.

We're hoping to kickstart $30K to create all new, beefed up "A Small Favor" game. It'll be a bit of a reboot, telling a new story with the same nameless hero but with improved graphics, bigger story and hours of gameplay. We're also going to make it a side scroller in the vein of "Another World/Out of the World" to allow for some deeper exploration.


We're aiming for September 2013 for release.

Thank you for your support!
Jay "Zeebarf" Ziebarth

PS. See you guys at the Pico Day party this year! After launching my first flash movie here 13 years ago Tom Fulp and I are finally going to meet in person. Crazy!

Posted by Zeebarf - January 3rd, 2012

Well here it is, the official trailer to "The Ballads of Reemus". Our first ever commercial adventure game!

The game is scheduled to be released on January, 27 2012. You can still pre-order the game and get early access to it on January 13, 2012. Just head over to the ClickShake Games Storeto place your order.

There's 36 fully voice acted characters in the game. You may recognize some NG voice talent amongst them! Big thanks to Joshua Tomar aka TomaMoto for breathing life into Reemus!

Hope you enjoy it!

For those of you that want some Reemus but don't want to pay, don't worry. "The Several Journeys of Reemus: Chapter 4" will also launch on January 27 on NG!